Privacy policy


This site aims to use collected personal information (name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.) in a safe and secure way.

When you access this website for the first time, by agreeing to the use of cookies in accordance with the conditions of this policy, you give permission for the use of cookies with each access of this site.

Collection of Personal Information

The following types of personal information may be collected, saved, and/or used:

  1. IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, etc., and computer-related information.
  2. Access point, visit duration, page views, website navigation path, etc., and information related to the access and use of this website.
  3. Information submitted during registration on this site such as email address, etc.
  4. Information submitted during profile creation on this site such as name, profile picture, sex, and date of birth.
  5. Information submitted during the use of the work application system on this site.
  6. Information generated during the use of this site, including information on the timing, frequency, and situation of use, etc.
  7. Information submitted to this site by the user for the purpose of being seen on the internet, including user name, profile picture, and application details.
  8. Information included in any correspondence sent to our association by the user through email or this site, including digital content and metadata.
  9. Other personal information sent to our association by the applicant.
    Before disclosing any personal information of other person(s) to our association, the applicant must obtain the consent of the other person(s) regarding both the disclosing and processing of the personal information in accordance with this policy.

Use of Collected Personal Information

Personal information sent to our association through this site will be used for the purposes specified in this policy and related pages of the website. Personal information of the user may be used for the following purposes:

  1. For the management of this site and/or the management of operations.
  2. To allow the use of available services on this site.
  3. To forward products purchased from this site.
  4. To take payments and send statements, invoices, and/or payment notices.
  5. To send correspondences not for marketing purposes.
  6. To send mail notifications as requested by the user.
  7. To send promotions of the business of our association or, if believed to be of interest to the user, promotions related to the business of a carefully-selected third party by email or a similar means or, if the user has given consent, by mail. (Please contact our association at any time if promotions are unnecessary)
  8. To provide statistical information related to the users of this site for the business of a third party. (Third-party businesses cannot identify users from such information)
  9. To handle inquires and complaints from users related to this site.
  10. To prevent fraudulent activity and to maintain the security of this site.
  11. To verify compliance with the terms of use to manage the use of this site.
  12. Other purposes.
    As long as there is no explicit consent from the user, personal information of the user will not be provided to a third party for the direct marketing of the third party or other third parties.

Management of Collected Personal Information

If considered rationally necessary for the purposes listed in this policy, personal information may be disclosed to employees, executives, insurance companies, professional advisors, agencies, suppliers, or subcontractors.

If considered rationally necessary for the purposes listed in this policy, personal information may be disclosed to members of our association.

As mandated by law, for any situation related to ongoing or future legal processes, to establish, exercise, or protect the legal rights of our association (including the provision of information to others for the purposes of preventing fraudulent activity and/or mitigating credit risk), for purchasers (or expected purchasers) of assets or business being sold (or being considered to be sold) by our association, according to the rational view of our company, if there is a possibility that a court or an authority rationally determines to disclose such personal information, the personal information may be disclosed to individuals rationally considered to have the right to request for disclosure to a court or other jurisdictional authority.

If it is not stipulated in this policy, our association will not provide personal information of users to a third party.

International Data Transmission

Personal information made available on this site or personal information sent to be made available on this site may be possibly used across the world through the internet. Our association cannot prevent the misuse or use of such information by others.

Retention of Personal Information

In this clause, the process and policy for data preservation designed to ensure compliance with legal obligations regarding the preservation and/or the deletion of personal information are stipulated.
Our association will not retain personal information to be processed for any purpose(s) beyond the duration necessary for the purpose(s).
Our association, without violating Item (2), will generally delete personal information corresponding to the date and time stipulated below and the categories stipulated below. (1) Types of information related to individuals will be deleted after completion of exhibition.
(2) After completion of exhibition
Regardless of other rules of this clause, (1) as mandated by law, (2) if documents are considered to be related to ongoing or future legal processes, and/or (3) to establish, exercise, or protect the legal rights of our association (including the provision of information to others for the purposes of preventing fraudulent activity and/or mitigating credit risk), personal information, including documents (including electronic documents), will be retained.

Access Analysis Tool

Our site uses the access analysis tool “Google Analytics” from Google.

Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. It collects traffic data anonymously and is not used to identify individuals. You can stop this function to collect traffic data by disabling the cookies, so please check the settings of your browser. Please click here for more details regarding this rule.

User Access Log

This site records information of users that access through an access log. This access log contains an access-related record of domain name, IP address, type of browser used, access date and time, etc. of users that access, which is used for efficient running of the site and for statistical analysis regarding the maintenance and usage situation of the website, but is not used other purposes. This access log does not contain information that can identify individuals.


This site uses SSL to protect personal information. By using the security function of a supporting browser, when a user accesses this site, a third party will automatically encrypt personal information, including name and email address, received by the server, when it is entered and sent to the server. Therefore, even if sent data is intercepted, there is no need to worry about the contents being stolen.

If a user uses a browser that does not support SSL, this site cannot be accessed or information cannot be input.

Websites of Links

In order to acquire information believed to be useful for users, some contents of our homepage allow users to be moved to other homepages. The homepages of these links are not operated by our association, and so are not covered by this policy.

Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Standards, and Revisions

*With regard to this site, along with complying with Japanese laws and regulations, as well as other standards, applied to the personal information we retain, the contents of this policy may be reviewed, as appropriate, and the contents mentioned above may be revised. Please check periodically for such changes.

© the Executive Committee of the Triennale of Kogei in Kanazawa All rights reserved.